Who from the late 60s/early70s doesn’t remember this seminal album?
My daughter got it for me (again, I had an original vinyl) on CD not too long ago. I still pop it into the car player occasionally.
So when I heard that Carole King was publishing a memoir, I put my name on the library’s hold list (sorry but I can’t remember the last time I bought an actual book.)
I got it a few weeks ago and just finished it last night.
I wish she had done it in two parts; kind of like the old 45s with a b-side.
I found myself really enjoying the early years – working in NY, writing hits for people like Aretha Franklin. Then of course the Tapestry, James Taylor et al years.
But when she moved into the 70s after Tapestry, I sort of lost interest. I kept reading, she kept writing and recording but much like I can only remember one song – Jazz Man – after her hugeness, the 2nd part of the book was not too memorable.
I did learn she has acted on Broadway, been married 4 times, did NOT have an affair with James Taylor, lived (and maybe still does) in Idaho as a sort of back-to-nature, mother-earthy kind of woman and get ready – she’s more than 70s years old!
I will say I did enjoy her Troubadour Concert with James Taylor and most of the original bandmates/sidemen on PBS last year.
So if you are waxing (get the vinyl record pun?) nostalgic, by all means get the book but if you are like me, just read up until Tapestry is out there.
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