rest high on that mountain

Visiting my daughter, son-in-law and of course new grandbaby. Caleb is part of a large Krantz clan that stretches back more than a hundred years and they had a reunion this weekend in St. Ignatius, MT. Maybe 300+ attended and this morning about 50 of them gathered for a family church service.

The original Krantz homestead is in the Mission Valley which lies west of the Mission Mountains north of Missoula. Church was held high on a hill overlooking the valley. The National Bison Range lies to the west, Flathead Lake off in the haze off to the north and of course the Mission Mountains to the east and partly behind us. I've never had a better view of creation during church before. Did I mention we were outside?

We sang Amazing Grace, read the 23rd Psalm and them several family members shared various recollections of the earlier Krantz-s (I don't know how to make a plural of that name!)

Then Caleb's uncle Tom preached. His focus was family, farming and faith. He managed to tie them all together by looking backward to the earlier Krantz, the here-and-now, and of course Heaven. Honestly (and no offense to any current or former pastors) but it was a great little sermon.

When he finished all I wanted to do was sing the doxology (my favorite hymn - if you can call it that) but we just prayed and dismissed.

Not much here except to say that I can't imagine a better location for church than where we were today.

A line of that Vince Gill song from which comes my title goes something like "Go to Heaven a shouting, love for the Father and the Son." I may be taking some liberty in how I interpret that song but it fit today's location and the message.

Maybe I'll come back next year if they let me!


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